Find Patients with Undiagnosed Long Term Conditions with our FREE Predictive AI

i5 AI can find undiagnosed or high risk patients who might be suffering from Long Term Conditions including:

    • Coronavirus Mortality Risk (2019-nCoV or SARS nCoV 2)
    • Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
    • Diabetes (T2DM)
    • Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
    • Heart Failure (HF)
    • Asthma
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

We provide a 24/7 service for:

    • Real time medical record analysis through our AI Web-Services
    • Scoring of probable diagnosis for above Long Term Conditions

Our AI is based on Deep Neural Networks and is trained and tested on millions of medical records and used for screening programmes, hospital optimisation, reducing complications and health and well-being programmes.

Our AI are available for free for:

    • Health Authorities to carry out targeted screening as opposed to opportunistic screening to optimise healthcare resources.
    • Hospitals to predict future demand of resource requirements to reduce waiting times.
    • Clinicians to support diagnosis and triage where patients have a very high likelihood having an undiagnosed condition to reduce avoidable complications.
    • Insurers to find trends in claims, frequency and seasonality to provide pro-active care to avoid ill health.

We provide FREE access to our prediction system for Government Departments, Healthcare Authorities, Healthcare Providers or Healthcare Insurers. To manage server capacity, we currently limit submissions to 100 patients per condition per month. We use ICD-10 and OPCS coding standards for medical records.

To sign up, please complete the registration form below. You will receive a confirmatory email if your organisation’s registration is successful.

Health Authorities

Population Health Management

i5 DST enables Health Authorities to carry out targeted screening as opposed to mass screening. The effects are an accelerated improvement of patient care by ensuring early treatment for the reliably identified cohort before too much damage is done and a reduction in costs for health authorities,  providers and individuals not at risk.


Planning for Future Resources

Knowing, with the support of i5 DST, what are future demand in terms of numbers of patients and their identities, Length of Stay, likely re-admissions, the risks associated with HAIs and likely mortality factors can ensure better planning and investment for pathway design, the right premises, equipment and hospital staff.


Initial Assessment and Triage

i5 DST, available to clinicians in primary care surgeries and secondary care hospitals and clinics, can help in particular with diagnosis and triage on first encountering patients and the recognition of undiagnosed co-morbidities which could affect treatment plans for the presenting condition and also engender plans for the patient newly identified conditions.


Costing and Early Patient Care

By highlighting future trends in claims costs, frequency and seasonality, i5 DST can help in the de-risking of premiums, reserves and mixes of insurance products. In addition, insurers can advance patient care and eradicate potential care costs by supplying health promotion packages to insureds to prevent early onset of LTCs.

Predictable Long Term Conditions

The LTCs currently available on the site and those which are being prepared for delivery are listed below. Results show that the AI have a circa 92% detection accuracy rate when applied to UK patients; in the Middle East and South East Asia, the accuracy rate is slightly lower at 86% due to a different approach to clinical coding.

We apply a testing and verification process to any medical data. Our predictive system uses past medical data coded in ICD-10 in the order in which a condition is diagnosed. Medical records of patients with an already diagnosed LTC can be run through the prediction system to evaluate if data quality and relevance is sufficient. If good data quality is present, we expect a re-identification rate of over 85% for patients that already have the predicted LTC.

After verification, the records of patients without the predicted LTC can be reliably run through our predictor to establish the levels of risk for each patient. Depending on the level of risk, patients can be contacted for immediate review e.g. risk >90% or reviewed at their next scheduled appointment.

Click here to try our sample AF prediction system.

Join our Predictive Healthcare Programme

We provide free access to our prediction system for Government Departments, Healthcare Authorities, Healthcare Providers or Healthcare Insurers for 100 predictions. More predictions can be purchased at very competitive prices as low as $0.10. We use ICD-10, ICD-11, SNOMED and OPCS 4.x coding standards for medical records.

To join our Predictive Healthcare Programme fill in the form below to be included for consideration. Please use your organisational email address for verification.

Request Access to the i5 Healthcare AI

Email from Government Department, Healthcare Authority, Healthcare Provider or Healthcare Insurer
Please provide your job title
Country of origin for patient data for Information Governance
Name of Government Department, Healthcare Authority, Healthcare Provider or Healthcare Insurer
Address of Government Department, Healthcare Authority, Healthcare Provider or Healthcare Insurer
Please tell us how you are planning to use our AI prediction system